Love yourself, love life
I’m Amanda, a Feng Shui Master and Celtic Priestess.
Beloved, I believe joy is our birthright. So are its sisters, magic and miracles.
But through life’s challenges, we can lose sight of our essential nature and have to find our way back home. As a working mom, I understand how we can forego self-care and forget self-love in the midst of a big project, a basketful of muddy laundry or life crisis. I also know we can reclaim our joy every day— living with the playfulness of a child, love of a mother and wisdom of a goddess.
Do you remember a moment when you felt the blessing of simply being?
I remember feeling connected to all of life as a girl growing up in the Irish countryside. My chestnut-coloured pony Midnight Star was my chariot. We’d hop fallen trees, gallop down mountains and swim in the ocean, revelling in each other and the earth. I’d sing with the fairies of the forest, never questioning the magic abounding. I felt love for all that is!
Like you, beloved, I have suffered my share of childhood wounds and adult heartbreaks. I moved to the United States when I was just 21, in search of my true self. But after getting into a toxic relationship, I realized we carry unconscious patterns wherever we go. I finally broke free of that pattern to face a series of blows. My best friend died of cancer, and a stranger violently attacked me at home. I reached deep inside to my ‘wild woman’ to literally save my life. Most recently, I have suffered the stress and emotional pain of my marriage of 15 years ending.
No matter who we are or what life gives us, we can tap into our inner reservoir of love and true self.
From the dark chasm of trauma and loss, I surrender fully to my high self, the Source of all there is, and the Universe. I learned to flow with life and see its gifts in unexpected wrappings. I came to believe that twenty percent of life is what happens to us and eighty percent is how we respond. Through these trials, I examined my beliefs around love and focused on loving myself. When I felt content with who I am, everything shifted. My purpose became clear. Today, I enjoy a beautiful life tailor-made to who I am. I want to help you do the same.
Then, inspiration for The Divine Woman Awakening Program found me in my newfound peace.
As an ordained Priestess, I’ve traveled the globe learning about the world’s great wisdom traditions. I’ve studied with Priestesses from all over the world, healing with aborigines in Australia, and shamanism in Peru’s sacred valley. I’m a certified yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, Priestess, and Feng Shui Master. Studying the ways of the Goddesses and Priestess for the past decade.
In my travels, I learned that there is always power to heal regardless of language or cultural differences. We are all one community with one beating heart. From a place of connectedness, I yearned to usher other women into the authenticity and joy I had found. Thus, The Divine Woman Awakening Program was born, a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
In walking the path of the Priestess we embody inclusivity, compassion, forgiveness, community, and self-love and it is my honor to share this with other women all over the world.
Beloved, you’ve come to the right place to heal old wounds, stroke your inner magic, nurture yourself and your loved ones, create a home that’s your personal palace, dwell in your heart and most importantly love yourself and your life.
I serve as a Priestess in my community – running rituals, circles, retreats, meditations, courses in honour of the Goddess. These are powerful bridges between worlds, creating lasting transformation.
My two children and I, along with our beautiful farm animals, live in the emerald Irish countryside straddled by virgin forest, beachside cliffs and mystical mountains. Consistently, my son and daughter act as my gurus—teaching me endless patience, how to love unconditionally, to be present to the messiness of life, and to jump in rain puddles with abandon. I’ve also learned the self-care and spiritual practices I need to stay balanced and would love to help you find your own.
Kickstart your Journey Today with my FREE mini-courses below!
Amanda Sophia is a Feng Shui Master, Celtic Priestess & Self-love guide. She founded the International Feng Shui School and training program. Amanda’s sincere appreciation for community guided her to establish the Inner Circle of Feng Shui, a library for Feng Shui, holistic business, and spiritual empowerment, designed to elevate conscious living. With Lifetime Access, members have the opportunity to be a part of a vibrant community to connect with others, ask questions, and share their journey.
Amanda Sophia founded the Divine Woman Awakening Program, a year-long journey through The Celtic Wheel that leads participants inward to discover, cultivate, and embody their authentic wisdom and power. Using ancient rituals, Amanda guides women to reach a higher level of connectedness with themselves and nature.
Amanda has studied wisdom traditions around the world and is a certified yoga teacher, shaman, and Celtic priestess. Her calling is to help people let go of old belief systems and awaken to their inner joy.
Amanda Sophia has served notable clients such as Bloomingdales, Dreamworks, Bank of America, and Hewlett-Packard. All have reported breakthroughs with her Feng Shui consulting. She is frequently interviewed in the media and has appeared in Vogue, Yoga Journal, Spirit and Destiny, Irish Examiner, RTE, Fox News, and KSWB-TV.