What do you Desire?
Beloved, are you looking to invite love into your life? Perhaps you are yearning to deepen the connection with your partner. Are you seeking healing for a broken heart?
Did you know Feng Shui can improve your love life? It’s true!
Mother Nature gives us such beautiful gifts. One of my favorite elements—and love languages—of hers is crystals. Precious stones can support and stabilize our chakras, and they’re medicinal for both our physical bodies and spiritual ailments. One year from now or a decade from now, what do you desire for your love life?
I will share some of my favorite gemstones I use in Feng Shui and how you can use them to manifest love, healing, and stability in your everyday life.
How to Use Crystals in Feng Shui
I have been using crystals in my Feng Shui and priestess practice for more than twenty years. There are many ways to incorporate them into everyday life as a symbolic reminder of your intentions. You may choose any or all of the ideas below!
Wear Them
There are so many lovely businesses where you can purchase ethically sourced crystals. You may choose to wear your crystals as a necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings. If you enjoy making jewelry, I encourage you to make your own and bless the gemstones during the creation process.
Carry Them With You
Students in my Feng Shui courses carry a small crystal with them in their purse, luggage when they travel, or even in their car to manifest safe travels!
Use During Meditation
One of my favorite ways to implement crystals is by placing them on altars I create throughout the year, following The Celtic Wheel. Altars serve as a 3D vision board that allows you to not only visualize your intentions but also spend sacred, intentional time meditating on them.
Keep Them in Your Home
Placing crystals throughout your home is a wonderful way to invite the energy you’re seeking. Are you yearning for love? Placing the appropriate crystals in your bedroom will help you manifest a deeper connection in your marriage or help you usher in new love if you are single.
The Best Gemstones to Increase Love
When we think of love, we need to realize that it is not a static term but a multi-faceted action. Love produces a rich harvest—bringing happiness, health, vibrancy, passion, and stability into our lives. Below are some of the crystals that invite the energy of contentment, joy, and openness:
- Green Aventurine: Powerful for healing the heart physically and emotionally.
- Green Tourmaline: Opens and heals the heart.
- Zoisite with Ruby: Strengthens the heart.
- Sunstones: Increase vitality and help heal the heart.
- Aventurine: Supports and stabilizes marriage.
- Fluorite: Aligns and opens the heart chakra.
- Garnet: Stimulates passion.
- Larimar: Known as the angel stone, it brings unconditional love.
- Turquoise: The “Master Healer” that serves as an energetic bridge between Earth and Heaven, helping you speak your truth.
- Rose Quartz: Heals the heart.
- Agate: Supports happiness, healing, and vitality.
Inside my Feng Shui Your Life course, we dive deeper into how Feng Shui can improve every area of your life, including your love for yourself and others. Students learn how to implement crystals and Feng Shui best practices to enhance every aspect of their lives.
Choosing Your Crystals
I love choosing my crystals in person at a shop—or rather, allowing my crystals to choose me. As I pick them out, asking for guidance has always been a fulfilling process for me. Of course, you may prefer buying your crystals online, and the same intentionality applies.
Remember, implementing crystals for love may also include self-forgiveness so you can love more deeply. It may mean forgiving others so you can move forward in happiness and peace. Take your time seeking guidance as to which crystals you should purchase. Ask Yourself:
“Which Crystal will support me in my journey to deepen self-love?”
“Which crystal may I choose that will help to heal my heart?”
“Which crystal will support me in forgiving my ex and moving forward?”
Caring for Your Crystals
You may have heard the phrase “charging your crystals” before. This means keeping your crystals at their highest vibration. There are several ways to cleanse and charge your crystals—choose the method or combination of methods that resonates most with you.
Take a moment to cleanse your crystals after you purchase them in the store or receive your online order. There are multiple ways to do this:
- Set them out under the full moon, rain, or sun.
- Hold the crystal under fresh, running water.
Charge your crystals by setting your intentions with each one. Remember why you are inviting them into your home and claim their purpose by:
- Saying a prayer over them.
- Sitting in nature while holding them.
- Speaking your intentions aloud.
- Placing them on an altar where you will visit them daily.
Before You Go
It’s essential to create a workspace and home environment that nurtures you personally and professionally. In my course, Feng Shui Your Life, I show you exactly how to create a life and space that brings lasting joy. Whether you’re entirely new to Feng Shui or looking to expand your practice, you only need the desire to improve your life.
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If you’d like to start a new career as a Feng Shui consultant or expand your existing services, take a look at our online Feng Shui Master Certification course.